
Morels: Homestead Tropical Update!

We’ve just released our big Tropical Update! The update is free and has a lot to explore and experience. Below are some of the biggest updates.

2 New Explorable Maps
Each map features new collectables and quests.
Flamingo Island
Willow Tree Golf Course
2 New Homesteads
Beach Island and Tropical Land
Seashell Hunting
You can sell them for cash.
New Animals
Sprinkler System
You can now purchase sprinkler systems for your garden boxes. You can purchase them by trigger clicking on the garden boxes to bring up their item menu. After purchasing you will see the sprinkler system working. You will no longer need to manually water the plants in the garden box. You can still purchase fertilizer and manually fertilize plants if you would like them to grow faster.
-New save slots. You can now have multiple saved games.
-All maps have had their graphics slightly updated.
-A “Sell All Seashells and Metals” button has been added to the Misc Vendor.
-Blewit Mushrooms have been added to the new maps.
-2 new garden seeds. Coconut tree and a pineapple tree.
-Many new homestead items to purchase in the Farmer’s Market.
-Farmer’s Market and the Main Menu have been updated to match the new artwork of the Tropical Update.
There are some other updates as well but these are the main ones. We hope you enjoy the update!
-The Abrams Studios Team

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