
Morels: Homestead Tropical Update!

We’ve just released our big Tropical Update! The update is free and has a lot to explore and experience. Below are some of the biggest updates.

2 New Explorable Maps
Each map features new collectables and quests.
Flamingo Island
Willow Tree Golf Course
2 New Homesteads
Beach Island and Tropical Land
Seashell Hunting
You can sell them for cash.
New Animals
Sprinkler System
You can now purchase sprinkler systems for your garden boxes. You can purchase them by trigger clicking on the garden boxes to bring up their item menu. After purchasing you will see the sprinkler system working. You will no longer need to manually water the plants in the garden box. You can still purchase fertilizer and manually fertilize plants if you would like them to grow faster.
-New save slots. You can now have multiple saved games.
-All maps have had their graphics slightly updated.
-A “Sell All Seashells and Metals” button has been added to the Misc Vendor.
-Blewit Mushrooms have been added to the new maps.
-2 new garden seeds. Coconut tree and a pineapple tree.
-Many new homestead items to purchase in the Farmer’s Market.
-Farmer’s Market and the Main Menu have been updated to match the new artwork of the Tropical Update.
There are some other updates as well but these are the main ones. We hope you enjoy the update!
-The Abrams Studios Team

Big Morels: The Hunt Update Coming Soon!

We will be releasing our newest update soon! Here are some of the updates and fixes that will be coming.


We have added several new animals like barn owls, sparrows, snapping turtles, and longhorn cattle. We have also added a new mystery animal for the Redwoods map.


When you finish your season it will bring you back to the main cabin screen. It will then reward you with a bag that allows you to start collecting poisonous mushrooms.

You will also now be able to view stats for any completed season and your career stats. Your game will have unlimited seasons and each season will keep adding to your career totals.

Anything you purchased, points, and your hunter’s manual all get carried over to the next season as well.


You can now pickup your markers and they will go back into your inventory.


We’ve added a difficulty setting. On Easy there will not be any ticks or poison ivy.


We’ve enabled Exploration Mode from the start of the game. You no longer have to finish a season to try it out. So if you were wanting to try it out but haven’t finished a full season yet you will now be able to. In this mode there are no seasons. You will get 25,000 points to start with, unlock all maps from the very beginning, and allow you to have some fun playing as animals. This mode is for fun and anything you do will not count towards records, unlocking or achievements.


– We added a message in the shop that shows if you have already purchased an item.

– There is a message that pops up when you click on Delete Game that asks you to confirm that you want to delete your game instead of just deleting it.

– Fixed the Hunter Level Achievement Bug if you were picking up with the New Look at Method.

– We are still working on a fix for the dead animal or wrong animal detected bug. Since we still have not been able to reproduce this bug on our end we won’t know for sure if we have fixed it or not. We did some things that should help. If this happens to anyone else and you you are able to reproduce it please let us know how you were able to do it.

We will post another announcement once the update is live. We just wanted to give everyone and preview of what is coming. View post on Community Hub.

We want to thank everyone who has taken the time to play Morels. It really means a lot to us. We will continue to try and make Morels the best game that we can. If you ever have issues or problems with anything don’t hesitate to contact us. You can email your support questions to You can also contact us through or website’s contact form.

Thank you and Happy Hunting!

-The Abrams Studios Team


Morels: The Hunt on Sale!

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Happy Holidays to everyone! We are excited to announce that Morels: The Hunt is now 20% off it’s normal price for our Winter Sale. If you know anyone holding out for a discount on the game, now is the time to buy! Thanks as always to all our supporters!

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– The Abrams Studios Team


Morels June Updates

All of the animals are now randomly spawned into random locations each day. You will have a chance to see different animals depending on how far into the season you are.

Animals can now swim or avoid the water.

You now get a multiplier depending on what level mushroom hunter and photographer you are. Morels and pictures of animals will be worth more the higher the level you reach.

We have added several new animals. An armadillo and boar are just a couple of them.


-The Abrams Studios Team

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