November 14th Update

The last couple of weeks have been busy ones here at Abrams Studios. Our work force has consolidated on just one project, that being Morels: The Hunt. We hope to have a finished product ready for release in 2018 so all of our efforts are currently going towards reaching that goal.

We have begun work on three additional levels in Morels; a Georgia forest with cave, a Rocky Mountain level, and a nice plot of land which is a mixture of farm and lightly wooded areas as well.

Also, we have implemented a map system which will break up all of the levels into different regions across the continental U.S. Another feature being worked on is a daily update before you begin your journey letting the player know what the weather forecast and conditions are in that particular area for that particular day.

It’s very rewarding to be able to really see a game come together from a group of ideas, some inspiration and creativity, and LOTS of hard work. We continue to post new screenshots on our Twitter feed, so if you haven’t yet please check that out.

Thanks so much for your continued support and interest!

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